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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


500 boys and girls, 50 animators, two young volunteers Stanislaus and Robert from Poland, two salesian priests Fr. Raphael and Fr. Albert ... are the actors of the four weeks of Holiday Camp 2016 in Matadi Monrovia. A business loved by parents who see their children busy during the period when the schools are closed and one of the accomplishments of Don Bosco's pedagogy that aims to always keep the kids occupied in  things good, useful, funny, honest ...

Everybody has a soul! And so it is also for the Holiday Camp. "With Jesus let us journey together in an adventure of the Spirit" is the theme that gives life, that gives the content to the reflections and prayers of the day, that motivates the animators, that enriches interpersonal relationships.

Don Bosco insisted on holiness as the final goal of each business. He was convinced that the sanctity can be reached through happiness. Finding Jesus who is the source of life and joy is the most secure path to happiness.


        There had been a break in the organization of the Holiday Camp in 2015 as the school calendar planned continuing the lessons even in the months of July and August. Because of Ebola Virus contagion, the lessons started one semester later. With the help of many benefactors we can again offer to a lot of  boys and girls these days of rest and renewal, relaxation and joy.





27th July, 2016 by don Nicola Ciarapica





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